Should I Turn Off My Furnace in Spring?

May 4, 2018

When the seasons change, many homeowners look forward to finding new opportunities to save on their monthly expenditures. Spring and summer bring warmer weather that signal the end of turning on the furnace. Instead, you can open up the windows and allow the cool breezes to make your home feel significantly more comfortable. The heat won’t need to be turned on for another few months, so why not just turn off your furnace?

This often depends on how you use your furnace during the spring and summer months. Some homes are dependent upon it, even in the cooler weather. In fact, you might be extremely reliant on your furnace without even realizing it. Every home is different, but many of them make good use of these appliances throughout the year.

Many homeowners aren’t sure whether it will really benefit them to turn their furnace off in the spring. After all, your pilot light uses 600 to 900 BTUs (even in the spring) which could cost you around $40 per year. If you’ve been debating this move, we’ll show you the two most important questions you need to ask yourself first.

Does your boiler help your water heater?

It isn’t uncommon to find that your boiler may be assisting your hot water heater. This is usually very convenient for homeowners because it heats the water up quickly. When you need a small amount of hot water for washing the dishes or running a load of laundry, this often requires your furnace to heat back up again. In the winter, you may barely notice how much fuel your furnace is using to heat up the water because it is already hot. The boiler will need a little more time and help in the summertime after it has been left to cool for a while.

Does your AC unit use the furnace also?

Much like finding out that your water heater uses your furnace, it isn’t uncommon to find an AC unit that uses it also. It could be powering your outdoor compressor or the evaporator coil if you have central air conditioning located outside your home. It can even use the cool air from the condenser to help blow chilled air throughout the home. Both of these are essential tasks to help keep your home cool during the summer months.

Shutting off your furnace in the spring should be avoided if you know that it is used for one of these two purposes. If your furnace only uses gas during the warmer months because it is an older model, you may want to consider turning it off. Be aware that you could run the risk of corrosion, rust, moisture, and debris that can damage your furnace during the off-season in which you may need furnace repair in Winnipeg.

If you aren’t sure how your current furnace functions, you might need the help of a professional. You can rest easy knowing that Provincial Heating and Cooling can take care of your home. We are proud of our years of heating and cooling services. Let us take care of you this spring!


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