When it comes time to replace your air conditioner with something that has great energy efficiency, you should know what statistics to compare. SEER and EER ratings are just two of the many measures you need to consider when it comes to your heating and cooling system. Knowing what scores are good and what they ultimately mean for your home is essential.
Below is a quick crash course on what you need to know about SEER and EER ratings before you make a big purchase:
SEER Ratings
The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) measures how efficient central air conditioners are throughout an entire cooling season. Instead of being measured only at a single air temperature, SEER measures the energy efficiency of an air conditioner at various temperatures.
This gives you a more realistic picture of how effective your air conditioners are at various points throughout the year. SEER ratings are calculated based on a variance of temperature from 18.3℃ to 40℃ (65℉ to 104℉), giving you a realistic range of temperatures that your home is likely to see.
Most of the time, you will want to utilize SEER ratings if you have a rather moderate outdoor temperature. If you live in an area where the temperatures reach higher (35℃ / 95℉ or greater), then you may want to turn to the EER rating instead.
Much like the EER rating, a higher SEER rating means that your air conditioner is going to be more efficient. You should look for energy efficiency ratings that are as high as possible within your existing budget to make the most of your new purchase and to save on monthly cooling costs.
EER Rating
The Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) is often confused with the SEER rating. Like SEER, EER measures your air conditioner’s efficiency, but it does so only at a single temperature point. Instead of comparing a variety of temperatures over the course of a season, the Energy Efficiency Ratio measures the efficiency at 35℃ / 95℉ for your air conditioning system.
It determines how quickly you can cool down a room at this one temperature point.
The higher the rating, the more energy efficient the air conditioning. When comparing different models, this measure of the air conditioner’s energy efficiency is often a clue that you are choosing a model that will cost less to run efficiently.
EER determines energy efficiency and can influence whether something gets the ENERGY STAR rating.
Shopping for New Central Air Conditioning Units
When you need a new air conditioning unit, you don’t want to leave your shopping to chance. Choosing the most energy-efficient model at the right size for the right price is paramount to your long-term happiness with your purchase. Provincial Heating and Cooling can help you shop for the perfect unit with high SEER and EER rating measures.
Call us today to learn more about how we can help you lower your utility costs and stay cooler this summer!